Thursday, May 28, 2009

till we meet again.

it's been tough for me this morning. a man that i greatly admired and loved passed away last night. Daddy was blessed with the opportunity to be by his side praying with him when he passed away. it was definitely time for him. he was struggling. but i think of the family and his sweet wife who stayed by his side and i mourn for them.

Bro. Grady always welcomed me with a warm hug. he always told me how beautiful i was and i knew he meant it. when my parents divorced he was the only one who made an effort to ask how my mother was doing and to tell her hello for him. when i was saved at the age of 8 i remember Daddy asking Bro. Grady to pray and he couldn't get through the whole prayer cause he was choking up with tears. that man showed a true love for the Lord and a true love for His people.

i am thankful for those memories and thankful to be blessed with people like Bro. Grady in my life. he will truly be missed.

"till we meet at Jesus' feet"

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